Panorama from Munt da la Bês-cha

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At Munt da la Bês-cha exactly after one hundred years of operation (2007) the prices for each item dropped to 100 Rappen attracting a crowd of friends and visitors spending a great day at one of the most scenic spots in the upper Engadin. A superb vista is guaranteed and with some luck you may fetch a piece of Filip's famous cakes he prepares himself at dawn each day. The outhouse is located at the far left behind the bush in the foreground.

Creative Commons License The image depicted above and its web-page, both titled as: " Panorama from Munt da la Bês-cha", are photographed and created by Hans Loepfe ( Each one is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
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